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Video: Kinect Sports Rivals preview

Can Rare's latest game win over the Kinectophobes?

When I spoke to him last May, Phil Harrison said he thought Kinect 2.0 would redeem the controversial sensor's reputation with core gamers. If public sentiment over the last year is anything to go by, however, it certainly hasn't happened yet, despite us all enjoying the option to plug in our cable boxes and shout "Xbox mute" whenever that Hotels Combined advert comes on the telly.

Part of that is just a lack of games, though, so Rare's Kinect Sports Rivals, due out on 11th April, arguably represents the first chance Microsoft has had to really make a case for Kinect on Xbox One. The platform holder invited us up to Rare's Twycross offices recently to experience the game in person, and while Wesley reported on the future of Rare, our YouTube Editor Ian Higton captured footage and got stuck into the game. Ian's a confirmed Kinect sceptic, which is worth stating up front (and he does), so the question was whether Kinect Sports Rivals could change his mind...

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