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Uncharted remasters to be available individually next month

"Start with the best part."

Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection wonderfully remastered Naughty Dog's groundbreaking treasure-hunting adventure trilogy (back when it was still a trilogy), but it was rather costly if you were only interested in one or two of the collected titles. That won't be a problem come 16th November in Europe as Sony will start selling each remastered entry a la carte.

What we don't know is the price point. Chances are it will still be a lot cheaper to purchase the Nathan Drake Collection, especially as the anthology has come down in price since its release last October. Right now several sellers on Amazon UK are charging £30 or less for it.

Still, the individual titles might be worth it if you just want to play one of the games. But which one? Uncharted 2 is the fan-favourite, but our Oli Welsh seemed particularly fond of Uncharted 3 upon reassessing the series, while there are the rare holdouts who still favour the original adventure above all.

Whichever way you slice it, the Uncharted remasters are a splendid restoration that passed muster with our experts at Digital Foundry. "It's clear that this project was a labour of love for those involved, and it's equally evident that Sony spared no expense in bringing this remarkable collection to life," Digital Foundry's John Linneman wrote in his appraisal of The Nathan Drake Collection.

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