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Ubisoft launches legal action over Assassin's Creed copyright row

Beiswenger's claims were "frivolous and without merit", says publisher.

Ubisoft has launched its own legal action against the US author who recently claimed that the Assassin's Creed series breached his copyright.

Following writer John Beiswenger dismissing his own suit earlier this week "without prejudice", the French publisher has filed its own complaint, asking a judge to rule that its game categorically does not infringe his alleged copyright.

"The plaintiff in the case alleging copyright infringement by Ubisoft has dropped his claim, without settlement," read a statement from the publisher, as reported by Gamasutra.

"Ubisoft believes this suit was frivolous and without merit, and is seeking a ruling to prevent future related claims.

"We are proud of our creative teams and will continue to vigorously defend the intellectual property they develop."

Ubisoft's legal document explained that "A declaration is necessary to enable Ubisoft to continue to develop and market creative content under the Assassin's Creed brand free from the cloud that Beiswenger's meritless claims have placed over Ubisoft's right to do so."

The publisher also wants Beiswenger to stump up for all legal costs incurred as part of the suit, as well as "further relief as the Court deems just and proper."

We've contact Beiswenger's lawyer for comment.

The author had previously claimed that Ubisoft had lifted the central idea for Assassin Creed's Animus MacGuffin from his 2003 novel Link.

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