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TimeSplitters Rewind fan project still alive, making progress

Dam good news.

Long-in-the-works fan project TimeSplitters Rewind has released a new development update with fresh screenshots and behind-the-scenes footage.

The video below, released on New Year's Eve, shows images and audio from Rewind's version of perhaps the best TimeSplitters story mission: TS2's opening Siberia level.

There's a look at weapon animations (without hands for TS2 levels, with hands for TS: Future Perfect) and challenge assets as well. Listen out for a remix of composer Graeme Norgate's original Siberia theme as well.

Watch on YouTube

The effort to remake and re-release the best of the classic TimeSplitter trilogy in one package has now been going on for five years.

It's been slow progress, to say the least, with a few false starts. But development is plodding forwards, and those behind the project still sound intent on getting at least something released.

And then there's the fact Crytek, the company which now owns the TimeSplitters IP, is continuing to let the project's volunteer team work on the project. (Rewind uses Crytek's own CryEngine as its engine.)

"Since the project came into being in 2013 there have been a number of Project Leads, all with the challenging task of pushing this project to completion," an accompanying blog update posted to the TSRewind site explained. "Rewind however has not been in continuous development since 2013, with changes in direction sometimes putting development back.

"Since moving onto CryEngine 5.4 four months ago, the team has essentially rebuilt the core of the game from scratch. With the technical assistance (in an advisory capacity) of Crytek the team has made steady progress and currently has perhaps the most stable iteration of Rewind to date."

It's hard to get our hopes up - it feels like we were in around the same situation nearly two years ago. Fingers crossed 2018 is the year the TimeSplitters Rewind team finally gets something playable released.

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