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Tim Willits will leave id Software this month after 24 years there

"After QuakeCon I will announce my future plans..."

Here's Tim Willits, sat in front of me at QuakeCon 2018 last summer.
And here's the fat ring he was wearing.

Charismatic id Software studio director Tim Willits has announced he will leave the company when QuakeCon ends, later this month (25th-28th July).

"After 24 years, I've decided to leave id Software after QuakeCon," Willits wrote on Twitter. "I've been extremely lucky to work with the best people in the industry on truly amazing games. QuakeCon has been an unbelievable part of my journey and I look forward to seeing everyone at the Gaylord Texan.

"All of the games currently in development are in very good hands," he added. "My departure will not affect any planned releases. id Software is packed full of amazing talent that will continue to develop (long into the future) some of the best shooters in the world.

"After QuakeCon I will announce my future plans, where I am going, and what new exciting things I am doing. Stay tuned."

Where will he go next? Willits, in case you're wondering, is 47 years old.

Willits rose from the role of level designer during his many years at id Software. He's a natural presenter and was often the on-stage presence for id at game shows. My favourite anecdote about Willits is he created famous Quake 2 multiplayer map The Edge (Q2DM1), which is etched in my memory and, indeed, now emblazoned on a Eurogamer toilet door!

OK, OK, here's the toilet door.

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