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Ticket to Ride on XBLA tomorrow

Along with Happy Tree Friends.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

As if Elements of Destruction, Sea Life Safari and Frogger 2 weren't enough for you, Microsoft is back with another Xbox Live Arcade duo tomorrow, 25th June.

As we already know, the first game is Happy Tree Friends: False Alarm - from SEGA and Stainless Games - which will cost 800 Microsoft Points (GBP 6.80 / EUR 9.60).

Based on Flash cartoons and soaked in blood and violence, the idea is to rescue trapped friends from locations like a mineshaft, sweet factory and museum.

Meanwhile, going up against it will be Ticket to Ride from Next Level Games, which is another board-game adaptation, which sees players trying to reach their destination by drawing cards and claiming routes.

It too will cost 800 Microsoft Points (GBP 6.80 / EUR 9.60) and include four-player local and six-player online play. Both games also promise the requisite leaderboards, 12 unlockable Achievements for a total of 200 gamerpoints, and a demo version.

Look out for our reviews of both in due course.

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