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The Uncharted movie has a new screenwriter

Sony taps The Grey and A-Team scribe Joe Carnahan.

The Uncharted movie now has a new screenwriter, so we know it's still in development - even if it's sounding unlikely that it will hit its previously reported June 2017 release.

As reported by Variety, Joe Carnahan is now in charge of penning Nathan Drake's silver screen debut. Carnahan is best known as the writer and director of The Grey, The A-Team, Smokin' Aces, and Narc.

Carnahan won't be directing though, as he's already obligated to helm Bad Boys 3.

"In a perfect world I would love to do both, but right now, I'm only on board to write the script," he said. "Archaeology today is in itself an antiquity, but that world has always fascinated me. Especially when you go to a museum today and wonder how a piece got there to begin with."

This isn't Carnahan's only high profile screenwriting project on the docket as he's also co-writing the script for Eli Roth's Death Wish remake.

The Uncharted film has been in development hell for the better part of a decade. At one point Silver Linings Playbook and American Hustle director David O. Russell was set to direct it with Mark Wahlberg in the lead, but that never happened. Illusionist director Neil Burger briefly replaced O. Russell before Horrible Bosses and King of Kong director Seth Gordon took over. This too fell through.

Last we checked The Hurt Locker and Zero Dark Thirty scribe Mark Boal was attached to rewrite an earlier script of the Uncharted film by Safe House screenwriter David Guggenheim. Given that Carnahan is now on board, it sounds like this too went into turnaround.

As of now, who's directing and starring is still up in the air.

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