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The Last Guardian still having "technical difficulties", says Sony

Shuhei Yoshida deflects rumours of it moving to PS4.

The Last Guardian was conspicuously absent from Sony's E3 press conference on Monday evening - early Tuesday morning UK time.

Why wasn't the long-awaited PS3 exclusive there? Because The Last Guardian is still having "technical difficulties", Sony Worldwide president Shuhei Yoshida told Eurogamer today at E3.

"The team is back in Tokyo is working hard, and there are some technical difficulties that the team is focused on right now," he told us. "That's why we don't have an update."

Problems with The Last Guardian project became apparent when the game's designer, Fumito Ueda, left Sony in December last year.

Since then, we've heard that the game's making "slow progress", and that Sony UK and Sony US are helping Sony Japan build the game.

One theory for the game's prolonged absence is that The Last Guardian will no longer be a PS3 game, and instead be ported to PlayStation 4.

But Shuhei Yoshida seemed to reject this claim.

"What does that question mean [is it still a PS3 game]? It is a PS3 game," he stressed.

Is there a danger it will never see the light of day - will it still actually come out on PS3?

"When we have confidence in saying that, we will talk about it," he answered. "But today, we are working through some engineering effort."

The Last Guardian - how long will we have to wait?

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