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Take-Two promises more Duke Nukem

"I'm sorry if you don't like it."

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Image credit: Eurogamer

Duke Nukem Forever is not the last we'll see of Duke, Take-Two has promised.

"We don't really talk about it in detail but you will see future Duke IP coming from this company," Take-Two boss Strauss Zelnick told Forbes.

Zelnick went on to suggest that Take-Two may extend the IP into movies and other non-gaming areas.

"Part of it is the economic opportunities that interact with entertainment are so huge," he said.

"Part of it is that we are very creative folks in control. Part of it is we don't want to ever be in the position of dumping something down just to make another buck.

"If we can take some of our intellectual property and bring it to another medium in an extraordinary high quality way, that delights consumers and represents an interesting commercial opportunity for us, we will.

"We have certainly considered doing that with BioShock and with other titles. So far we haven't brought anything to market, but stay tuned."

Duke Nukem Forever was mauled by critics upon its launch. Eurogamer's Duke Nukem Forever review returned a 3/10.

Zelnick defended the adult content and humour in the game. "We take ratings guidelines and marketing guidelines as seriously as a heart attack around here," he said.

"We do not market mature products to children. When friends of mine say, 'Oh, I plan to get Red Dead Redemption for my 15-year-old,' I say, 'You know this product is intended for adults?' We are incredibly serious about it.

"That said, when we put something out I stand behind it, and will not compromise. When you put all those things all together it's difficult to be critical of the company. Because here in America, thank God, we have the ability to do what we want.

"What is there left to be said? I'm sorry if you don't like it. Don't consume it."

Borderlands developer Gearbox owns the Duke Nukem IP after it bought the rights to polish off the game 3D Realms started building 14 years ago. Take-Two, or specifically 2K Games, published the controversial shooter.

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