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Subnautica is being developed for Xbox One

For an estimated March release on Xbox Preview Programme.

Natural Selection 2 developer Unknown Worlds' underwater exploration game Subnautica is in development for Xbox One.

Developer Charlie Cleveland tweeted about getting an Xbox One dev kit for Subnautica. "I've dreamed of having console dev hardware for years!" the developer exclaimed.

Cleveland offered further confirmation to XBLA Fans that the studio is indeed working on an Xbox One version of the game, though there is a chance it might not work out.

"I'm not sure if I should 'confirm' this or not, but we're working on it," Cleveland told XBLA Fans. "We always reserve the right to cancel it if it doesn't work."

"But yes, we're working on it! We've been accepted into the Microsoft Preview Program," he clarified before estimating a launch on Xbox Preview Programme, Microsoft's Early Access equivalent, sometime around March.

Subnautica has been on Steam Early Access for just over a year. The developer was vocal about what an early build this was and that it's still sorting out its vision for the game. Basically, it was taking the No Man's Sky approach with the central theme to be exploring an alien underwater landscape while the developer would slowly build the game around player feedback. For example, it allowed players to toggle starvation, as a mechanic, on or off.

Subnautica is currently 30 per cent off on Steam Early Access with a holiday price of £10.49 / $13.99 until 4th January.

Here's a trailer detailing Subnautica's most recent additions as of a month ago:

Watch on YouTube

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