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Story of Seasons Van: How to unlock Van and store price list in Friends of Mineral Town explained

Welcome this travelling merchant to Mineral Town!

Van is the travelling merchant who stays in the Inn in Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town.

Before you can start buying his wares, however, you need to ensure that you've unlocked Van's visits.

Once you have, he'll open two separate stores - a weekly general store in the Inn and a monthly pet stall in Rose Plaza.

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How to unlock Van in Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town

If you want Van, the travelling merchant, to start visiting Mineral Town, then you need to give the Harvest Goddess 30 gifts given over 30 days.

Make sure you keep track of how many gifts you give her, because the Harvest Goddess won't tell you that you've unlocked Van. Instead, Van will greet you when you exit your farmhouse on the first sunny Wednesday after you've given her the thirtieth gift.

From this point onwards, you'll be able to visit his shop in the Inn every Wednesday and his pet store, which will be in Rose Plaza on the 15th of every month.

Van's Store and price list in Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town explained

Once you've unlocked Van, he'll set up a store on the second floor of the Inn every Wednesday.

This shop will be open from 8am to 9pm.

Below you can find the price list for Van's shop:

Record Player2000G
Record 1500G
Record 2600G
Record 3 700G
Record 4800G
Record 5900G
Record 61000G
Record 71100G
Record 81200G
Record 91300G
Record 101400G

Once you've brought the Record Player, Van will sell at one record per week until you've brought them all.

You can access your purchased records by interacting with the Record Player.

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Van's Pet Stall and price list in Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town explained

Van's Pet Stall is the only way to obtain pets in Friends of Mineral Town and it's only available once a month.

You'll be able to purchase pets from Van on the 15th of every month in Rose Plaza from 12pm to 6pm.

There are, however, three conditions for Van's Pet Stall. The first is that the weather must be sunny or else Van will decide to stay at the Inn. The second is that the type of pet you can buy will change every season.

This means that if you want to buy a cat, but it happens to be raining on the day that Van sells them, you'll have to wait till next year.

The only condition is that it must be a sunny day. If it happens to be raining or snowing, then you'll have to wait till next month.

Here are the types of pet you can buy and during which season Van will sell them:

  • Spring - Cats
  • Summer - Penguins
  • Fall - Dogs
  • Winter - Capybara

The third and final condition is that you must have a Friendship Level of eight with all of your pets before you can buy a new one.

Below you can find the full price list for Van's Pet Stall, along with every pet he sells:

Shorthair Cat20,000G
Bengal Cat20,000G
Calico Cat20,000G
Navy Penguin30,000G
Mineral Dog10,000G
White Capybara30,000G

Good luck raising your new pet and make sure you enjoy Van's wares!

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