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Stick it to the Man to get stuck on PS3 this week

And on Vita in December.

Psychedelic platforming adventure Stick it to the Man is slated for a PS3 release on Wednesday, 20th November, developer Zoink! has announced.

A Vita version is set to follow in December and since this is a Cross-Buy affair, you get it on both platforms for the price of one.

I played about a half hour of Stick it to the Man at E3 where I likened the kooky adventure about a man who can read people's minds and manifest their thoughts as stickers to be something of a spiritual successor to Psychonauts. "Relative to Double Fine's debut, Stick it to the Man doesn't look quite as mechanically varied, but it does capture Schafer and co.'s unbridled lunacy with an extra layer of zonked-out eastern European spirit tossed into the mix," I wrote in my Stick it to the Man preview.

See more of its madness below in Stick it to the Man's launch trailer.

Watch on YouTube

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