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Square Enix blames Final Fantasy 14 Stormblood connection issues on a DDoS attack

And it's still happening.

Square Enix recently released the hotly-anticipated Stormblood expansion for MMO Final Fantasy 14, but its launched was marred by connection issues that prevented players from getting stuck in.

Now, Square Enix has blamed those connection issues on an ongoing DDoS attack that began last week and is still going on.

In a post on the Final Fantasy 14 website, Square Enix said the Final Fantasy 14 game servers have suffered from a DDoS attack from an anonymous third-party. It began on 16th June and as of today, 21st June, it's still happening.

Final Fantasy 14 is experiencing an increased server load sparked by a this third-party flooding the network of the targeted servers using a massive number of computers.

Square Enix's technical staff are on the case, the company said,"but the attack is still continuing to take place by changing their methods at every moment".

"We will continue to monitor and work on recovery from every possible angle.

"We apologise for any inconvenience this may be causing."

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Square Enix stressed that this looks like a standard DDoS attack, and so character data and personal information registered to customer accounts are not being exposed.

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