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Spelunky plumbs the depths of your browser via HTML5

Sink your free time into these caverns.

The original version of Derek Yu's platforming roguelike Spelunky has been ported to browsers via HTML5.

The conversion was handled by Bostonian Darius Kazumi, a developer who works on HTML5 games for Bocoup. Kazumi explained on his blog that the original Spelunky was made in GameMaker and last year YoYo Games released GameMaker HTML5, which allows you to compile games built on the software into Javascript for instant browser access.

"In theory this should be a one-button process, but for a complex game like Spelunky it's a bit harder," Kazumi explained.

Even with these setbacks the port only took him three hours to produce. There are still a few bugs in the ointment - notably that scores aren't saved - but Kazumi is working on an update.

Spelunky was recently remade on XBLA where our Lewis Denby gave it a whopping 10/10. "For a game so obsessed with plotting your demise, it sure knows how to keep on giving," he wrote in his review.

Play the browser version here.

The original Spelunky

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