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Space Giraffe finished

Will conquer universe.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Farm-based Jeff Minter has finally confirmed that work on Space Giraffe is complete.

It's expected to be available sometime soon on Xbox Live Arcade, and will cost a paltry 400 Microsoft Points to download.

Minter announced the news on his LiveJournal earlier this week. Joining this revelation were three new screenshots, each showing results of how he faired on a trio of different levels. His scores for each were plotted on a graph and matched up against a game-set median line, which he dipped under in the middle levels then bested on the latter stages.

Minter admitted he needs a little practice. There's also a picture of a sheep further down.

Space Giraffe is a psychedelic shooter in a similar vein to previous title Tempest 2000. However, the similarities end on the surface, and the developer is keen to point out that this is a different and unique game.

It's being created by Llamasoft, of which Jeff Minter makes up one half and Ivan Zorzin the other. Head over to the Llamasoft website for a short history of everything.

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