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Sony pours cold water on official E3 website's The Last Guardian listing

Don't get your hopes up.

What's happening with Sony Japan's The Last Guardian?

Last we heard it was still coming out for the PlayStation 3 - the platform it was announced for launch on four years ago in 2009 - but, according to Worldwide Studios boss Shuhei Yoshida, there were "certain technical issues" the development team was struggling with.

The Last Guardian's AWOL nature has sparked speculation that it has either been cancelled or shifted to the PlayStation 4, but today fresh speculation has linked it back to the PS3.

The Entertainment Software Association's official E3 website, E3 Insider, lists The Last Guardian as making an appearance at next week's show and is down as a PS3 title.

The listing may simply be the result of an administration error, and Sony poured cold water on it this morning when contacted by Eurogamer. A spokesperson told us: "The page on the ESA site is speculative I'm afraid."

Sony raised eyebrows when it failed to show The Last Guardian at either E3 or Gamescom last year, and it was another no-show at the PS4 reveal event in February 2013. If it fails to turn up at E3 this year, more questions are sure to be asked.

Meanwhile, E3 Insider lists Grand Theft Auto 5 for release on PC as well as PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. Again, don't get your hopes up.

The Last Guardian footage, circa... 2010.

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