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Sony offers Last Guardian reassurance

Downplays TGS no-show.

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Image credit: Eurogamer

Sony has reassured gamers that Team Ico is still "hard at work" on The Last Guardian, despite the high-profile PS3 exclusive missing the Tokyo Game Show next week.

"We wanted to confirm that The Last Guardian is not on the schedule for this year's Tokyo Game Show," an update on Sony's official PlayStation blog reads.

"However we can assure you that Ueda-san and the rest of the development team are hard at work to bring his lofty vision to life and deliver the very best gaming experience possible."

Last month SCE Studios president Shuhei Yoshida gave an exasperated-sounding Last Guardian progress update:

"It's been very difficult in terms of seeing the progress: not as fast as we'd been hoping for, and the team has been under big pressure," he said.

The Last Guardian was delayed earlier this year to an unspecified time in 2012. The cat-eagle adventure was originally slated for a "late 2011" release.

The 9/10 compilation of previous titles Ico and the Shadow of Colossus will, however, be present.

The Last Guardian.

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