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Sony hires Hanna writer for Shadow of the Colossus film

Wander when it'll come out?

The writer of teen-assassin thriller Hanna will pen the story for the upcoming Shadow of the Colossus film, a new report claims.

But the film is still without a cast, shooting schedule or release date, the Hollywood Reporter wrote.

Sony first mentioned a Shadow of the Colossus movie in 2009, hinting that creator Fumito Ueda would be involved in some capacity.

Chronicle director Josh Trank joined the project last May, although we've not heard much about the project since.

The highly-praised 2005 game follows a young man on a quest to slay 16 colossi in order to revive a girl named Mono. Its 2011 PlayStation 3 port, packaged with earlier Ueda classic Ico, earned a 9/10 from Eurogamer's Chris Donlan.

Ueda's mysterious third game, The Last Guardian, has been in development even longer than the Shadow of the Coloussus film. Six years, in fact.

The last we heard, Last Guardian was facing "technical difficulties". If it's held back for PlayStation 4, could Sony's Colossus film launch first?

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