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Sonic 4: Episode 2 syncs Xbox, Windows Phone play

Pick up your game saves on the go.

Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 2 will synchronise your progress across Xbox 360 and Windows Phone versions of the game.

Want to take your Sonic save with you when you leave the house? No problem. Finish playing on your Xbox 360, save the game, then boot up the game on the bus via your Windows Phone. You'll pick up right where you left off.

Microsoft has long been touting the possibility of synchronising saves across platforms, although Sega is among the first to implement it, Sonic's brand manager Ken Balough told OXM.

Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 2 is pegged for a 16th May release on Xbox Live and Windows Phone. PlayStation Network, iOS and Android launches are due then too.

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