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Solo Dragon Age: Inquisition has ~200 hours of content

And a main story that lasts 20-40.

Finishing everything - literally completing - Dragon Age: Inquisition will take between 150 to 200 hours, BioWare reckons. The main story, however, will take 20 to 40.

That's what producer Cameron Lee told Polygon. "We're just making more. More and more and more," he said. "And it's all entirely up to the player. It's your world, your game."

Dragon Age games have never been small, although DA2 was far more constrained that Origins. But DAI offers an open-world and more freedom of choice in how you want to navigate and influence it.

The same is true of The Witcher series and next year's new instalment, The Witcher 3. That game also boasts a huge open-world and freedom of exploration, with a 50-hour main quest and 50 hours of side-quests.

Role-playing games have never been short, BioWare's vintage catalogue included. But more recently, a focus on a cinematic presentation - and a focus on a console audience - has clipped their lengths.

Until Skyrim, that is.

Staggeringly, Bethesda's technically-infinite open-world fantasy adventure has sold more than 20m copies worldwide - a figure mentioned by Bethesda earlier this year. To put that into perspective, The Witcher series (all games combined) has sold 6m copies (accurate as of autumn last year), Dragon Age: Origins has sold more than 3.2m copies and Dragon Age 2 more than 2m. Those are official and old Dragon Age numbers; DAO could be close to 5m.

Nevertheless, the disparity between 'everyone else' and Skyrim is huge, and it must be hard not to be swayed by that kind of success. Question is: will bigger be better? Will The Elder Scrolls mould fit?

In Dragon Age: Inquisition's case there's also multiplayer to consider. It's a separate, linear, co-op dungeon crawling mode that could theoretically add a significant chunk more time to your experience.

Coincidentally, BioWare published a very long video last night of Dragon Age: Inquisition gameplay, narrated by series creative director Mike Laidlaw and executive producer Mark Darrah.

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