Skyrim mods let you add Game of Thrones' Starbucks cup
Big Bran-d.
Apparently a very popular TV series has been airing its final season over the past few weeks - and you may have heard that one of its episodes had an extra special treat for keen-eyed viewers: a Starbucks coffee cup accidentally left on-set.
Naturally, the photo was instantly spread around the internet and became an overnight sensation. In fact, it's now spilling into the world of Skyrim, as several modders have answered a call to create Starbucks cups for the world of The Elder Scrolls.
Reddit user DarkMaster06 began the craze by putting out a mod request in r/skyrimmods, which swiftly prompted many to offer up their work. I tested out this one by Sphered (via Nexusmods), which places a single coffee cup on the banquet table in Dragonsreach (and also the Solitude throne room). Here I am doing my best to recreate the iconic scene. Please ignore the raccoon eye makeup - my Skyrim character never left the teen phase.

If you own Skyrim Special Edition, the Skyland Coffee mod by JohnRose81 is the one for you. This mod replaces all tankards with Skyland-branded coffee cups - I guess the set management really was bad that day. It's also got a nice little custom design, which looks like the Greyjoy sigil. I bet there's an ink-black espresso in there.

If you've got your own Skyrim coffee mod brewing, head on over to the subreddit to submit your contribution. I Rickon they'd be happy to have more.