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Skullgirls dev's action-RPG Indivisible is coming to Switch

Will simultaneously launch with other platforms next year.

Skullgirls developer Lab Zero will be bringing its upcoming action-RPG Indivisible to Nintendo Switch, both physically and digitally, in 2018.

This Switch edition will launch simultaneously with its other versions on PS4, Xbox One, PC, Mac and Linux.

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Indivisible has had quite the development story with its Indiegogo campaign struggling to get off the ground when it asked for $1.5m while publisher 505 Games was already offering $2m. Some thought this sounded greedy, but Lab Zero's Mike Zaimont explained that many crowdfunded games cost a lot more than you'd think, and publishers tend to fund the backend. To wit: Bloodstained was asking for $500k, but costs upwards of $5m. To that end, needing $1.5m on top of the 505's funding made sense. Otherwise the publisher would pull out and Indivisible would be canned.

This message resonated with people and Indivisible met its funding goal with three days left. In fact, people were so supportive of Lab Zero, in the end, that it even shot past the $2m mark on Indiegogo with a cool $2,008,730 to its name.

Aside from Lab Zero's high end animation, Indivisible will also feature Secret of Mana composer Hiroki Kikuta handling its soundtrack.

If you'd like to give the party-based fantasy game a whirl, Lab Zero released a prototype on PC, Mac, Linux and PS4.

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