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Shenmue and Streets of Rage to receive vinyl soundtracks

Pre-orders open next week, ships in September.

Sega classics Shenmue and Streets of Rage will receive vinyl editions of their soundtracks via new London-based record label Data Discs.

These albums will ship in September, but pre-orders will be available when Data Discs opens its website on 30th May.

Exclusive editions will be available to early orders.

Data Discs "specialises in remastering audio from classic games, along with carefully selected modern titles, and releasing them as beautiful pieces of wax," the label explained. "Our aim is to showcase the creativity of game composers and bring their (often overlooked) works to audiences both new and old."

In the meantime, listen to some Shenmue soundtrack samples and check out the totally sweet album covers for these upcoming vinyl soundtracks:

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