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Shadow of Mordor 2 leaked via stuntwoman's resume

Suggests a CGI announcement trailer is on the horizon.

Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor 2 seems like it's a thing that's happening as the title was leaked via a stuntwoman's curriculum vitae.

Lithariel in the first Shadow of Mordor. Her role in another game is purely speculation at this point.

As discovered by NerdLeaks, the actress listed her role as "stunt/acting" for the yet-to-be-announced title and noted Blur as the employer. Blur Studio is a CGI team that's worked on several video games and films and the stuntwoman worked with the company before on such titles as Batman: Arkham Knight, Dark Souls 2, Assassin's Creed: Unity, BioShock Infinite, and the Mafia 3 trailer.

It sounds as if her work on many of these projects was related to motion-capture for CGI trailers, suggesting that Shadow of Mordor 2 will receive such a trailer, perhaps at E3 this year.

Allegedly this sequel could star Lithariel, a playable female character that was added to the first Shadow of Mordor as free DLC.

We were fans of Shadow of Mordor upon its initial release. Our Aoife Wilson recommended it, while Eurogamer regular contributor Simon Parkin praised it as one of his top picks for the Games of 2014.

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