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Sales will determine Beatles DLC plan

Schedule not set post Rubber Soul?

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Image credit: Eurogamer

The Beatles: Rock Band may receive more downloadable content following the planned release of Abbey Road, Sgt. Pepper's and Rubber Soul, but that all depends on sales, according to Harmonix.

"Every time we do one song, it's not like Rock Band where we wait for the masters to come in and just author them... It's like, send people to Abbey Road, use the original tape, separate them out... it costs thousands of dollars," the developer's communications manager, John Drake, told BBPS (thanks Kotaku).

"We're waiting to see how things sell. We're waiting to see how the albums do. If they sell well, we'll have a lot more content."

So far the only downloadable content for The Beatles: Rock Band is "All You Need Is Love", which is available for PS3, Wii and Xbox 360, with all proceeds going to Doctors Without Borders.

That will be joined on 20th October by the first full album, Abbey Road, which is going to cost 1360 Microsoft Points / $16.98, or 160 MSP / $1.99 per track. Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band and Rubber Soul will follow in November and December respectively.

Check out our review of The Beatles: Rock Band elsewhere on the site.

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