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Saints Row: The Third PS3 exclusive mode missing

Broken E3 promises continue.

The promised exclusive mode for the PlayStation 3 version of Saints Row: The Third is mysteriously absent from the game.

Retail copies sent to press reveal the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 versions of the Volition-developed open world adventure contain exactly the same content, Joystiq reports.

The exclusive mode was announced at E3 2011 in June, and was said to use Saints Row's "signature weapon", presumably the dildo bat censored for the Japanese version.

Joystiq speculates that this may have been The Third's Whored Mode, a wave-based co-op multiplayer bonus currently a part of all three versions of the game.

Eurogamer has asked THQ for comment.

This is the second time in quick succession exclusive content promised to PlayStation 3 owners has failed to materialise.

Last month it emerged that the PlayStation 3 version of Battlefield 3 did not include Battlefield 1943 - despite publisher EA's promise at E3 that it would.

EA said the week-long PS3 exclusivity for Battlefield 3 DLC was "in lieu" of the free game.

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