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Rock Band dev Harmonix asks fans to fill out "important" survey

Another sign of life for the franchise?

Rock Band developer Harmonix has released an "important" survey for fans of the franchise to fill out.

While some questions relate to the series' past, many pertain to an as-yet revealed future Rock Band entry.

Questions include which Rock Band titles you have owned, how often you played and how many DLC tracks you bought.

Another query asks which Rock Band instruments you still own that still work properly - perhaps gauging interest on bundle options for a future title.

Finally, fans are asked what elements of the series are most important to them. Options include the ability to play local multiplayer, the need for a large roster of tracks in the base game, and the importance of compatibility with past DLC.

It's not the first time recently that we've seen life in the dormant franchise.

Last week, Harmonix revealed a trio of new downloadable tracks for Rock Band 3 - the first fresh additions for almost two years.

We've heard whispers that a full new title is in the works - and there have also been rumblings of a similar reanimation for rival series Guitar Hero.

Both series were huge money-spinners between 2006 and 2010, until the world decided it had bought enough plastic instruments to be getting on with. Do you still have yours?

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