New Rock Band 3 DLC hints at series return
Rize of the Fenix.
Harmonix has announced a pair of Rock Band 3 DLC tracks with teasing titles that hint at a full return for the series.

The new songs are Tenacious D's Rize Of The Fenix and Weezer's Back to the Shack.
"They are awesome songs with great titles," Harmonix community manager Aaron Trites commented, whistling nonchalantly. "Rock on!"
Both cost 99p and are available in the UK on Xbox 360 today, and on PlayStation 3 tomorrow.
It is the second time in two months that Harmonix has released new Rock Band 3 add-on content - after a previous hiatus of 21 months.
January's new offerings included tracks by the Arctic Monkeys, Avenged Sevenfold and Foo Fighters.
Last month also saw Harmonix release an "important" survey, which it asked fans of the franchise to fill out.
Questions surveyed fan opinions for the future of the series, including functionality such as local multiplayer and backwards compatibility with past DLC.
We've heard whispers of a return for both Rock Band and rival franchise Guitar Hero, although official details remain scarce.