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Revengeance Tokyo Games Show trailer shows off bosses

Lets you control robots.

Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance's Tokyo Games show trailer - shown below - is all sorts of nutbars, filled with cyborg women, robotic animals, cute droids, a sombrero, and unsurprisingly a metal gear. About the only series staple it didn't feature was monkeys.

The series has been notorious for its creative, ridiculous boss battles and Revengeance looks like a return to form after the wholly disappointing mechanical bullet sponges of Peace Walker. One of them is a woman with several cybernetic arms attached to her back resembling MGS4's Screaming Mantis crossed with Lady Gaga, while another cyborg nemesis separates its limbs into several segments and extends them through elongated electric lines.

Elsewhere the trailer shows off sections where you can remotely control those three-armed sentries from MGS4's Outer Haven level, while a scene in a sewer where Raiden impales an unsuspecting foe from above hints at a mild stealth element carried over from the rest of the series.

On a side note, Konami has revealed that the game will be available as a PSN digital download in Japan along with a retail release.

Now bring back the monkeys!

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