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PSN trio slip a week

Calling All Cars and friends.

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Image credit: Eurogamer

Go! Puzzle isn't the only PlayStation 3 game that's slipped - Calling All Cars, Nucleus and Super Stardust HD have all hopped a week into the future.

That's according to Sony's are-they-aren't-they official blog Three Speech, which reveals that Calling All Cars - that's the game that God of War man David Jaffe's been working on - is now down for 25th May.

Then you've got shoot-'em-up duo Nucleus (1st June) and Super Stardust HD (15th June), which will move in alongside PSN stalwart Blast Factor and bolster the ranks of the downloader's favourite genre.

We got hold of Sony UK just now and they confirmed the dates. At least until they change again.

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