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Price key to DS success - InLight

Fun too, says Teen Zombies dev.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Developer InLight Entertainment reckons being a fun and affordable platform is key to the DS' success.

It was speaking exclusively to Eurogamer about its upcoming quirky game Teenage Zombies: Invasion of the Alien Brain Thingys! for DS, and praised Nintendo for its clever strategy.

"The DS captures the market we're targeting with this game - the ever expanding casual gamers sector. Nintendo has been very smart with making a fun system that is affordable so everyone can enjoy games like ours without breaking the bank," Darren McGrath and Mike Lowry from InLight told Eurogamer.

"Games like Elite Beat Agents, Feel the Magic, and Zelda: Phantom Hourglass have really made use of the touch-screen in unique and interesting ways that you wouldn't be able to accomplish on any other platform."

Teenage Zombies is a puzzle-focused platform game interspersed with quirky mini-games and a comic-book presentation - you flip the DS on its side like a book to watch cutscenes.

You also play as a trio of zombies rather than humans - only the undead can withstand the mind controlling abilities of the Alien Brain Thingys, you see. Effectively you are humankind's last hope.

It is light-hearted and interesting, something that sounds like it could be a lot of fun.

Look out for our full interview with InLight creative big cheese Darren McGrath and designer Mike Lowry soon.

Until then, pop into our Teenage Zombies gamepage for a look at how it is shaping up.

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