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PlayStation 3 firmware update will let you view Vita Trophies

Life with PlayStation to end.

A new PlayStation 3 firmware update will allow you to view Trophies earned while playing PlayStation Vita games.

It's a feature familiar to Xbox 360 users, who have long been able to see Achievements earned across Microsoft devices such as Windows Mobile.

The update, due tomorrow, will bring Sony's PS3 firmware to version 4.30.

Sony is also using the update to terminate its Life With PlayStation app, which will cease operations by the end of the month.

Since its launch, Life with PlayStation has allowed gamers to take part in distributed computing project Folding@Home. Hosted by Stanford University, the study was aimed at understanding proteins involved in diseases such as Parkinson's, Alzheimer's and various cancers.

More than 15 million users took part in Folding@Home since its launch five years ago, generating over 100 million computation hours. It has lead to "numerous successes", research lead Vijay Pande told the EU PlayStation blog.

"Specifically, in a paper just published in the Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, we report on tests of predictions from earlier Folding@home simulations, and how these predictions have led to a new strategy to fight Alzheimer's disease.

"The next steps, now underway at Stanford, are to take this lead compound and help push it towards a viable drug. It's too early to report on our preliminary results there, but I'm very excited that the directions set out in this paper do appear to be bearing fruit in terms of a viable drug (not just a drug candidate)."

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