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Plastic surgeon snatches back DK record

King of Kong dethroned.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

New York plastic surgeon Dr Hank Chien has taken back the Donkey Kong high score world record from Steve Wiebe – the gritty everyman hero of awesome 2007 documentary King of Kong.

Record keepers Twin Galaxies have reported that Chien, pictured below, posted the new high score of 1,068,000 from his home during the blizzards that crippled the east coast of the USA late last month. The record attempt took two hours and 45 minutes.

This just pips Wiebe's best of 1,064,500, which he managed in September, knocking hot-sauce peddling bad-dude Billy Mitchell off the top, who himself had earlier toppled Chien.

And this titanic struggle is all set to continue in 2011. Wiebe is having another crack at the record at a live event in Chicago this weekend, then Chien, Mitchell and Wiebe will be going toe-to-toe again in March at a Donkey Kong challenge in New Jersey.

"Like last time, I know it will only be a matter of time before Steve Wiebe, Billy Mitchell or another competitor beats my score," said Chien.

"I will be practicing, but it's a fine balance between staying in shape and getting burned out. I think breaks are a necessary part of training much like training for a marathon. I don't think I will hold the title forever, but it is fun to see 'How High Can You Get?'"

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