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Offline multi for Noby Noby Boy?

Plus new music, teases website.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Teaser images on the website for Noby Noby Boy suggest that the PSN game will be updated with an offline, four-player multiplayer mode soon.

If you visit the suitably unconventional site with the cute URL - - and click on 'BOY's daydream #1', you'll see a series of images that shows four BOYs playing together while BOY says, "Even though it may be offline... I want to play multi-BOY!"

When we interviewed creator Keita Takahashi last month, he suggested that the game would get a "big update" around two months after release.

There's also a suggestion that some new music will be added, in 'BOY's daydream #2'. Noby Noby Boy currently only has one background theme, a gently plucked acoustic guitar.

"Guiter music are good," says BOY in the second strip, ungrammatically, "but music from castanets, triangles, and maracas is something I'd like to listen."

Namco declined to comment on BOY's daydreams.

The site also reveals that the game has 47,685 players, and that GIRL has already reached the moon - but Mars is still some way off, so get stretching.

If this news item means nothing at all to you, visit our review and interview with Takahashi for an explanation - of sorts - of this unhinged PSN gem.

Takahashi will give a talk on Noby Noby Boy at the Game Developers Conference later this month - Thursday 26th March, to be exact - so check back for more Noby Noby News then.

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