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Obama praises Witcher 2, but it doesn't sound like he played it

"I confess, I'm not very good at video games..."

Got anything easier?

The last time US president Barack Obama visited Poland, back in 2011, prime minister Donald Tusk gave him a copy of The Witcher 2 Collector's Edition as a gift.

Today, Obama returned to Poland and in a speech praised The Witcher 2 as an example of Poland's growing economy and influence - although it doesn't sound like he played it.

"The last time I was here, Donald gave me a gift," Obama said, "the video game developed here in Poland that's won fans the world over, The Witcher.

"I confess, I'm not very good at video games, but I've been told that it is a great example of Poland's place in the new global economy and it's a tribute to the talents and the work ethic of the Polish people, as well as the wise stewardship of Polish leaders, like prime minister Tusk."

Obama shouldn't feel too bad, of course. The Witcher 2 isn't the easiest game in the world. In fact, the dark fantasy RPG is pretty difficult in places.

Still, developer CD Projekt will be doing cartwheels that the US president mentioned The Witcher 2 in a state address. And just before The Witcher 3 is due to star at E3, too.

Perhaps they'll send Obama a copy of the game early.

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