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Nintendo wants Miis on more than just Wii

Miyamoto says they're considering it.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Nintendo is considering whether to allow Miis to appear on other formats, such as 3DS, according to Shigeru Miyamoto.

"We need to keep in mind how we evolve the Miis and how we think about compatibility with Miis between different systems," Miyamoto told IGN.

"But that's something that we're definitely giving consideration to and want to continue to try to allow people to use their Miis on different Nintendo systems going forward."

Miis were introduced with the Wii and allow users to create cutesy little renditions of themselves that can be used across various games including Wii Sports and Wii Fit.

Nintendo has been having a big old think about its online strategy in general, as Satoru Iwata explained in an investor relations interview last month.

"I can say that we are not currently satisfied with the online efforts that we have made so far, and we are working at ways to improve those," he told the group.

"On the other hand, I do not think that online functionality is something that we should be devoting resources to for every single product.

"Instead, I think that Nintendo’s ability to create an offline experience that feels incredibly unique and compelling is a particular strength that we have."

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