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Nintendo defends Kid Icarus: Uprising controls

If it hurts, you're doing it wrong, suggests Sakurai.

Offering full support for twin analogue stick controls in Kid Icarus: Uprising would have been "technically impossible", according to the game's creator Masahiro Sakurai.

Though his 3DS game was generally well-received when it launched earlier this year, many critics and players complained that its touch screen controls were painful to use and an option for Circle Pad Pro control would have been welcome.

Sakurai has now defended his decision to stick with stylus input in a new interview with IGN.

"Considering how close to the limit we pushed the 3DS during development, it's a miracle that we were even able to provide support for left-handed controls at the point of completion," he explained.

"Providing support for independent analog control was something that was technically impossible."

Sakurai added that offering two different ways to control the game would have left multiplayer hopelessly unbalanced, as the stylus allows for much quicker aiming than a second circle pad.

"I think any game needs to provide new experiences and stimulating things to discover, but if we provided run-of-the-mill controls for it, that cuts down on the game's potential," he said.

"If a player used to touch screen-based aiming played against someone used to right-analog control, the first player would probably dominate. The speed is on a whole different level."

If players are finding it painful, Sakurai suggested that you might be approaching the game in the wrong way.

"If there are players who say that it makes their hand tired, that's because you're applying too much force," he advised.

"Try to relax and work on building a rhythm to your control. Place the pen in the middle of the touchscreen; when you're flicking it, take the pen off the screen as you're sweeping with it, and stop right there. That's the basic idea."

Eurogamer's Simon Parkin awarded the game a handsome 9/10, but warned its controls take some getting used to.

"You fire your equipped weapon with a squeeze of the L-bumper, making holding the 3DS somewhat awkward as you simultaneously grasp, balance and thumb-tweak with your left hand," read his Kid Icarus: Uprising review.

"The on-foot sections make similarly numerous control demands as you sidestep and roll with swipes of the stylus, like a jabbing, sweeping symphony conductor. It's this section of the game that demands the most of its player; mastery is measured in hours, not minutes."

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