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Mirror's Edge 2 has to support Oculus Rift and Project Morpheus, right DICE?

"Maybe for five minutes at a time!"

It's the virtual reality video game dream: the next Mirror's Edge game played using a VR headset.

Fast-paced Parkour-style first-person movement, first-person combat and a huge open-world city to explore, Mirror's Edge 2 sounds perfect for the Oculus Rift and Sony's Project Morpheus.

Indeed, someone has already made it happen - with the first Mirror's Edge.

"Everyone says, you should just add it to Mirror's Edge!" DICE boss Karl-Magnus Troedsson told Eurogamer.

Simple, right? Well, not quite. The problem is, Mirror's Edge plus VR is all a bit, well, it kind of makes you sick.

"There's a guy who did it and he says it himself: after a while this is a bit overwhelming," Troedsson said.

"You have vertigo and first-person movement. How many people of the population out there wouldn't throw up when they played that?"

But surely it's worth it for the next Mirror's Edge game to at least give those brave enough the opportunity to give VR a go. DICE - and EA more generally - have teams working on VR prototypes for its established games, Battlefield and the like, so it doesn't seem like the longest stretch.

"Naturally it would be great if we could have that support for Mirror's Edge, but it would never become a mass market thing," Troedsson qualified.

"Well, I can't see that now at least. Would it be cool? Absolutely! Do I want to play it? Yes! Maybe for five minutes at a time!"

"Would it be cool? Absolutely! Do I want to play it? Yes! Maybe for five minutes at a time!"

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Meanwhile, Troedsson said DICE is taking a different approach to development of the new Mirror's Edge game.

Compared to other games it makes, which are often worked on by a huge number of people over the course of a couple of years, the new Mirror's Edge is being worked on by a smaller team that has the license to take its time.

"It's coming when it's ready," Troedsson said. "Mirror's Edge is a project we're going about from a slightly different way. We're looking to give the team more time and having a slightly smaller team than we've done in the past."

Troedsson added it was important for DICE to take its time over the game because it was important to get it right after a few years spent searching for a killer idea for the follow-up.

"It goes into the fact that we've been thinking a lot for many years regarding, should we or should we not bring back Mirror's Edge? Should we let it rest and be that one shop people talk about, or should we try to do something else with it?" Troedsson said.

At E3 2013 EA announced the new Mirror's Edge - not Mirror's Edge 2, rather a sort of reboot - with a teaser video. Then at E3 2014 EA showed a brief Mirror's Edge video explaining its approach to the project, as well as snippets of prototype gameplay footage.

The new Mirror's Edge retains the first-person Parkour-style gameplay of the first game, and of course once again stars Faith, but it emphasises a revamped combat system which should make it easier for Faith to deal with enemies.

But there's also something else about the new Mirror's Edge that makes it stand out - and has Troedsson excited, although he's not ready to talk about it yet.

"When the current team we have now took on the idea of a new version of Mirror's Edge they made some changes to the core recipe, which I'm not ready to talk about today, but what I can say is when we saw it, the management, we were like, yes, this is what we've been waiting for.

"There have been other forms of the new game presented in the past we threw it against the wall but nothing really stuck. Then this team comes along and really nailed it.

"They brought forth a concept that when we saw it, it was like, yes, this is the true next game inside of that IP that we want to build.

"At the same time we also realised this is going to take some time for us, so we basically said, let's take the time and perhaps have a little bit of a smaller team over a longer period of time."

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One of the issues some had with the first Mirror's Edge was that it was difficult to control, that the first-person perspective made it hard to navigate the 3D environment. For some it was frustrating.

DICE hopes to alleviate this frustration with the next game.

"There's a reason why there's not a lot of games focusing on first-person fast movement with first-person combat: it's because it's really hard to do," Troedsson said.

"If I may be so bold to say that Mirror's Edge 1 perhaps revolutionised first-person movement. It took several steps forward at least compared to what others have done in the past. We really want to continue doing that but removing a bit of the frustration that came with that in the first game.

"As was mentioned in the movie, we're focusing on first-person combat this time around, to make sure we bring that experience into something that is really fun and accessible."

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