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Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy gets ray tracing, performance improvements

Trace the stars!

Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy, a surprisingly competent game for many, just got a heap of improvements with the latest update from Eidos-Montréal.

Most notably, the update brings a ray-tracing mode to the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X and a hidden save rollback feature to allow users who have encountered blocking issues to rollback to the start of the chapter of their choice (here's how you can do it).

There are also performance improvements for the base PlayStation 4, and an uncapped framerate option for Xbox Series S for players with a variable refresh rate display.

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As you might expect, there's also general stability improvements on all platforms, as well as general improvements to objective markers. You can find the full patch notes here.

"Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy is enjoyable enough at times, but weighed down by a deluge of unnecessary systems and bullet-sponge combat," wrote Vikki in Eurogamer's review.

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