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Looks like Assassin's Creed 3 is headed to Nintendo Switch

UPDATE: Canoe believe it! It's confirmed.

UPDATE 14/2/19: Ubisoft has now confirmed Assassin's Creed 3 for Nintendo Switch, with a launch date of 21st May.

This is a little later than it will be available on other platforms as part of Assassin's Creed Odyssey's season pass. But, of course, Odyssey is only available on Nintendo Switch in Japan where it is a special streaming-only game.

Here's a trailer with a slightly choppy frame-rate:

Watch on YouTube

ORIGINAL STORY 28/1/19: It looks like Ubisoft is having another go at launching Assassin's Creed on a Nintendo console.

Assassin's Creed 3: Liberation Collection for Nintendo Switch has popped up for sale on a couple of Czech retailers (as spotted on reddit), a month after an untitled "Assassin's Creed Compilation" first appeared on German chain MediaMarkt.

This is the upcoming AC3 and AC3: Liberation re-release which is also coming to PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. It's been announced as part of the Assassin's Creed Odyssey season pass, due in March, and will also be sold separately.

Of course, Assassin's Creed 3 launched on a Nintendo console before - on Wii U, where it failed to make much of an impression. This re-release adds enjoyable spin-off AC3: Liberation, originally released for the PlayStation Vita, a sort-of companion game with the series' first kickass lady Assassin.

For most of the world, this will be the first Assassin's Creed game on a Nintendo console since AC3 on Wii U - although Odyssey is available on Nintendo Switch in Japan via a special cloud streaming version. (This won't launch elsewhere.)

AC3 isn't the strongest of the series - it lacks the roguish charm of the early Ezio era, and was a dry run for the naval gameplay which made Black Flag fun. But there's still a fair amount to love - Haytham (why wasn't he main character?), the Homestead, and the modern day storyline finally providing an ending for poor old Desmond.

Last year, I chatted with AC3 creative director Alex Hutchinson about what he'd change if he could remake the game now.

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