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Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy 13 is heading to PC next month

Costs £12.99, includes all the DLC.

Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy 13 will arrive for PC on 10th December, publisher Square-Enix has announced.

The first two games in this particular branch of Final Fantasy, FF13 and FF13-2, made their way to Steam many moons ago beginning last year. This third and final entry in the spin-off series was originally slated for a spring release, but you know how these things go.

This PC port will contain all of the DLC from the console release including Japanese voice-overs, bonus weapons, and extra costumes (minus the FF7 Aerith garb for some reason).

Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy 13 mixed the series mechanics up by providing players with real-time control over titular heroine Lightning. Eurogamer contributor Simon Parkin was a big fan of Lightning Returns' shake-up to the franchise. "From its dazzling battle system to its overarching temporal puzzle, this is the best of the set - even if it's dragged down by an exhaustingly impenetrable plot that its creators will no doubt be pleased to be done with," he wrote in his Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy 13 review.

Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy 13 will be priced at £12.99 / €15.99 on Steam, though it will be 10 per cent off during its first week after launch.

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