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King's Cross train station has a giant playable Christmas tree

Fa la la la la la Line Wobbler.

Remember Line Wobbler, the game played on a strip of light and controlled by a wobbling a spring? Well King's Cross train station in London now has a giant Line Wobbler - spiralled into the shape of a Christmas tree!

Look at that - it's crackers!

It's six meters high, two meters wide and has more than 7200 LEDs! And it doesn't drop needles which somehow dig themselves into your carpet and can't be hoovered up.

Line Wobbler is actually a dungeon crawler, believe it or not. You are a green dot and enemies are a red dot, and when you encounter them you waggle the spring to turn yellow and attack.

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The Games Tree, as it wants to be known, is a partnership between London Games Festival, Network Rail and the game's designer Robin Baumgarten. It'll be in King's Cross station until 4th January 2018.

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