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Killzone: Shadow Fall's 1080p class action lawsuit dismissed

Frivolous case sees a resolution (and not a temporal upscaled one).

Last year someone sued Sony for $5M in a class-action lawsuit claiming that it falsely advertised Killzone: Shadow Fall by stating that it ran in "native 1080p" when in fact its multiplayer ran in "960x1080 with a high quality temporal upscale", according to Digital Foundry. Though the case proceeded to go to court, it has recently been dismissed.

Case dismissed.

According to Courthouse News, district Judge Edward Chen "signed a joint stipulation that dismisses lead plaintiff Douglas Ladore's lawsuit with prejudice."

Apparently the stipulation noted that "each party will bear its own costs," though the exact terms of the settlement were never publicly disclosed. As such, folks who purchased Killzone: Shadow Fall will not receive any kickbacks over this mild marketing blunder.

Back when this case was first filed, Killzone: Shadow Fall developer Guerrilla Games noted that "In both SP and MP, Killzone Shadow Fall outputs a full, unscaled 1080p image at up to 60 fps. Native is often used to indicate images that are not scaled; it is native by that definition."

Our Digital Foundry editor Richard Leadbetter praised Guerrilla Games' PS4-exclusive, even if it had to cut a few small computational corners in multiplayer. "The fact that few have actually noticed that any upscale at all is in place speaks to its quality, and we can almost certainly assume that this effect is not cheap from a computational perspective," he wrote in his Killzone: Shadow Fall analysis.

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