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Jetpack Joyride downloaded 14 million times

Plus, Halfbrick announces 500k Fruit Ninja Kinect sales.

Painfully addictive smartphone timewaster Jetpack Joyride has been downloaded a whopping 14 million times, developer Halfbrick has revealed.

According to a Joystiq interview with the studio's marketing chief Phil Larsen, the game sold around a million copies when it was a premium 69p app.

However, download numbers have gone through the roof since it went free-to-play in December.

Larsen estimated that between five and 10 per cent of gamers spend at least a $1 in the title's in-game store, so revenue has soared.

He added that a new update game - "the biggest one we've done so far" - is due some time in the next month.

He also offered sales figures for another of the Australian studio's recent titles. Fruit Ninja Kinect recently passed the 500,000 mark.

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