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Interplay appears to be resurrecting Black Isle Studios

"Our goal has always been to make the world's best RPGs. Black Isle Studios is back."

Update: Former Black Isle lead designer Chris Avellone has given Eurogamer his take on the news.

"Doesn't involve Obsidian at all," he told us. "No idea what it's about. I wasn't aware anything beyond the name was left at Interplay."

Original story: Interplay appears to be resurrecting Black Isle Studios, the famed role-playing developer responsible for Fallout, Planescape: Torment and Icewind Dale.

The evidence, so far, is a website, Twitter account and Facebook page.

The website reads: "Our goal has always been to make the world's best RPGs. Black Isle Studios is back."

The website is registered to Interplay and Herve Caen. I tried phoning the Interplay office in Los Angeles but there was no answer - it's still early there.

There are no tweets from the Black Isle Twitter account.

The Black Isle Facebook page was created on 13th August. It's cover photo was updated yesterday.

Black Isle's return is news to Interplay founder Brian Fargo: "I just read that Interplay is bringing back Black Isle. Hmmm... Not enough info for me to comment," he tweeted.

Most, if not all, of the people responsible for the games Black Isle became famous for have moved on. Black Isle founder Feargus Urquhart went on to found Obsidian Entertainment, and took many old Black Isle staff with him - Chris Avellone included.

Interplay is also not the publishing powerhouse it once was. Its most recent activity has been selling the Fallout Online rights to Bethesda after a lengthy legal tussle.

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