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Hotline Miami release date 23rd October priced £6.99

This year's hot indie tip.

Indie darling Hotline Miami will be released 23rd October on Get Games for £6.29. (That's with 10 per cent off - the usual price is £6.99.)

Pre-order it at Get Games for the exclusive EXPOsed mission that was playable at the Eurogamer Expo.

Hotline Miami is the neon-coloured top-down f***-'em-up that scooped Rezzed Game of the Show this summer.

In it you are a rubber mask-wearing assassin and you use all manner of weaponry to slice, shoot, batter and stab your way to whatever prize lurks well protected at the heart of a building. It's bloody, bloody hard and bloody good.

And it'll run on an ancient PC. What's not to like?

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