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Host a Section 8 server for PC/360

Windows app for doing so out soon.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

TimeGate and SouthPeak have announced that Section 8 will allow players to host dedicated servers for both the PC and Xbox 360 versions on their Windows PCs.

It's all thanks to something called X Server functionality, apparently, which means you can host Xbox 360 games for up to 32 players, or PC ones for up to 40.

The software for hosting the games will be distributed for free once Section 8 is released on 1st September in the US and 4th September in Europe.

The developer and publisher also point out that they will be hosting their own official ranked servers for both systems, and that the game is playable without a dedicated server - albeit with reduced player numbers of 32 on PC and 16 on 360.

On a related note, the Section 8 PC beta launched this week, and there's more information on the official website.

Check out our recent Section 8 hands-on preview to see what all the fuss is about, and look out for our review ahead of the 4th September release.

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