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Hideo Kojima tweeted an image of Death Stranding and people are searching for clues in the dirt

Big Moss.

We're getting a new Death Stranding video at E3 in June and creator Hideo Kojima is already teasing the fetus-fuelled game's inevitable star turn at the show.

Today, Kojima tweeted an image of what looks like moss-covered rocks and now everyone's digging into it on the hunt for clues.

"Decima×Kojima=DS" Kojima tweeted, alongside the image.

Decima refers to the game engine Kojima is using to build Death Stranding. (Decima is a proprietary game engine developed by Horizon: Zero Dawn developer Guerrilla Games.)

Some reckon Kojima, who is famous for his ridiculous teases and Easter eggs, has hidden something secret somewhere in this image. Here's one take: Snake from Metal Gear Solid is lying on the ground:

Here's another: a mystery face in the dark:

Someone else reckons they've spotted a Stormtrooper helmet:

Of course, the image may simply be an extreme close-up of some dirt that's in death Stranding. Yep, let's go with that.

Death Stranding is still pegged as a PlayStation 4 game, by the way, which suggests it'll come out in the next year or two. The last time we saw footage was in December 2017. Then, it looked like this:

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