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Here's what playable Beast Ganon looks like in Hyrule Warriors

DLC due next week in Japan, adds "Boss Challenge" mode.

Hyrule Warriors is getting new DLC in Japan next week that lets you play as series' villain Ganondorf (or Ganon for short) in "beast" form.

As reported by Japanese gaming site Games Talk (via Gematsu), this upcoming DLC will cost ¥500, which is about £3 or $4.99.

The main draw to the DLC is that it lets you play as everyone's favourite red-headed wizard/pig man as he slaughters droves of Hylian predators in his boar-like beast form. Fulfill enough objectives as the classic villain and you'll unlock a Ganon skin for Cia.

Additionally, this expansion will add a "Boss Challenge" mode in which you can jump straight to the game's biggest baddies as you attempt to set a new record thwarting them in standalone missions.

Elsewhere, Hyrule Warriors will soon receive a 1.6.0 update that will include the following:

  • Max level raised
  • New mixture potions added
  • New medals added
  • Challenge mode expanded
  • Score recording function added
  • Challenge scenarios added
  • Bug that extends load times when entering battles fixed

It's not clear exactly when the new content is coming to the west, but chances are it won't be long. We'll keep you posted, but for now, enjoy these pics of playable Ganon and other striking images from the impending DLC.

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