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Here's a brand new legendary card from Hearthstone's next expansion

King Phaoris.

Saviours of Uldum, Hearthstone's next expansion, is set to launch on 6th August - but we can show off one of its brand new legendary cards on Eurogamer today.

King Phaoris is a legendary minion who can be played by any class, but which looks like a real boon for those with spell-heavy decks. Play Phaoris onto the board and he will summon a minion of the same cost of every spell in your hand. Nifty!

A ripped feline humanoid with a six-pack (seriously, where do all these guys work out?), Phaoris is the leader of the Ramkahen tribe within the shifting sands of Uldum.

One downside, perhaps, is his 10-mana cost for what is otherwise a fairly standard five-five minion. It really is all about that Battlecry. Phaoris is a card designed to be played in decks with plenty of spells and solid card draw to fill your hand - and therefore the board - as much as possible.

Here's some exclusive footage of a few King Phaoris combos in action:

Watch on YouTube

Blizzard has also been kind enough to provide us with a clean image of the artwork, below, for your desktop wallpaper pleasure.

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